Which are the best Bulgarian wines of 2019? You could find that out and taste them on April 23rd 2020 at Hall 6 of the National Palace of Culture. Among them will be one of Augeo Family Estate’s wines.
Each year the degustation team of DiVino selects the DiVino Top 50 best Bulgarian wines based on regular tastings, which reflect the actual market reality at the wine sector in Bulgaria.
The festive event will include a tasting of a wide selection of the highest ranked and awarded Bulgarian wines of 2019. The outstanding wines will be combined with suitable culinary offers.
Date of the event: April 23rd 2020, 18:30, NDK hall 6
The event will be cancelled due to the Ministry of Health’s instructions for prevention of Coronavirus.
Tickets on www.vintageclub.bg, www.eventim.bg, www.bilet.bg, www.epaygo.bg
For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2594183144181386/?active_tab=about